
234 Audio Reviews

147 w/ Responses

Sounds great man!

at first when i heard the piano.. some of the keys were sharp and it didn't sound right.. but right when you put in those claps.. i knew you were going to do a hardstyle song.. and right when the piano fades out and the synth comes in.. NICE.. I really want to see where you go with this one.. cause right now it sounds pretty nice man! Great work!
one thing though.. i think you should shorten the piano intro a little bit.. that would sound a lot better : D

RandomDanceOfHappy responds:

to me the piano dosent sound sharp? well it dose but i think the off sounding is what makes the hardcore part sound good? get what i mean?
the intro is to long and dosent fit well atm but i do like how it gos from the paino and im pretty sure m gunna keep the intro as long as it is but im gunna do a better job of the melody and everything in the part and make it sound more fluid and everything cos it gets to beatish for it . the intro melody sounds off cos the hardcore melody has thos off notes and i based it off of it to make it sound somewhat fitting.:)
im glad you like! ps the intro wont seem as long after the hardcore part is longer :D
this is a brandnew style(the way im going about makeing songs)
distorted kicks makeing my own sounds so im glad you like :D
ps i cant wait till its done also im loveing makeing this song :D

Are you kidding me?

Okay so i went on the audio portal and i was looking down the titles of the best of all time... and i see this one called Long Time, No see... Cool titles like that are always trance and i love it:D I HAD NO CLUE YOU MADE THE TOP 20! HOLY HELL MAN!.. im so jealous.. you've only been making music for what 2 to 3 months?.. dude.. so unfair :D haha Congrats man.. i hope to see more of your songs up there:) okay.. so.. i too tried this.. cause i love dubstep and trance, but...
First.. Im not good at making crazy good catchy melodies like this.. I will probably be humming this song all day :P hahah
Second.. That transition into dubstep went pretty fluidly without a major drop.. which takes talent:P hahahah one thing i can say is that it was a little repetative... not that much... but if you ever come back on this song.. Change a couple of those notes and add more of a wobble.. or more wubwubwub.. you know? :P hehe.. ps.. piano sounds greattt on top of the dubstep
Third.. Okay. So.. transition back from dubstep to trance againn.. absolutly perfect man.. Its so fluid man.. question.. i really liked the main lead.. what is it? and what other synths do you use? great job yet again man

Or4nges responds:

Thanks again dude! I mainly just got some of my ideas out here. It's not polished yet, and that's why it's repetitive. I plan on fixing that hardcore when I get the chance. :P

And believe it or not, the only synth I used was TranceDrive. It's free and you can get it at vstplanet.com It's awesome. I made this the first day I had it :D It's pretty powerful.

More thanks!

Dude, Come on..

I listen to this.. and then i go listen to my stuff.. and i feel like i know nothing about Fl and that my songs suck ass.. oh well.. you deserve it hahah So.. now your a DnB pro? what the hell happened to the Or4nges that was making little 30 second loops? Now your like a Monster at making music.. i feel like this happened over night hahahah How the hell did you get so good so fast! If you took some course you better tell me what it was because now i feel like your like my idol.. hahah now i want to be as good as you are! hahaha great work on this song man.. this is really really good.. the DnB is sick.. I love it.. Its a really well structured song and i give you props on getting so good man..
Great work.. you better keep it up.. cause your going to the top hahaha

Or4nges responds:

Man thanks! I've never been an idol before :D Haha, i'm just kidding.

And there were no classes involved. It was all experimenting and youtube vids. The main thing is to figure out what you want, and then learn how to do it.

This review made my day 2x over, so thankyou. If you ever need help with anything just ask. I'll be watching to see what you crank out next :D


Jesus Christ dude... your like a freaking fl studio god already.. okay.. so im listening though the song right now and once i finish i will review as i listen..
First off i want to say it loops very well.. i love the way it end and i greatly love the way it starts.. the piano is a perfect sound, super crisp and goes great with the synths.. I also loved the fade in kicks.. those were nice:) okay so at :53.. that synth that starts there... um.. i think that would be a better part if it was a different sound.. its weird because all of your other sounds are so crisp and this one sounds like its kinda "falling apart".. i guess thats just my taste.. but you make right up for it at 1:20.. That melody is soo good.. and the sound is sooo crisp.. what are you like a mastering god as well? hahah yet again.. great piano.. its very soothing i love it! haha.. okay what really got me was 2:10.. that little part right there sealed the deal to me.. dude.. if you are going to teach me anything.. please teach me how to do that :D hahaha i loved that..
Every single sound in this song fits together with everything soo well.. and to tell you the truth.. this sounds so professional.. its crazy.. i can't say anything bad about this song.. its pro.. im saying this right now but mark my words.. your going to be up there with nemisis theory and f-777 and all the greats pretty soon.. i know it.. This song is amazing.. Great job man

Or4nges responds:

I was smiling ear to ear through this enitre review. Like you have no idea lol.

I rather enjoy the synth at :53. i think it's unique to me, so it's STAYING. lol. I put a great deal of effort into that one. Hoever, if I use it again, I may clean it up a bit. I just liked the messy, almost airy feel to it; It contrasted the other synths. And i'll message you about the part at 2:10. It was done with a few filters and some automation clips.

I've never heard of Nemesis Theory, but i'd heard great things about f-777, and i'm really flattered you said that. I put tons of effort into every song I do, and i'm always experimenting, trying to make each song better in every way possible from my last.

I hope one day that all this work will pay off. Music is what I love to do, and sharing it with the world would please me to no end :D

Thanks for the great review man. Keep in touch.


I was really dissapointed that it was this short.. I mean.. no doubt i give this 10/10 5/5 This is really really good.. and you my friend are a very good artist.. I wishhh i was a good as you :] maybe someday i will achieve that honor :P hahah i mean.. if you really dont want to come back on this song.. thats totally fine.. cause i kinda like how it (sorta loops;) hahah but if you did that would be great:] top 5 for sure haha great work man..
~Faved artist :P

Catstuffer responds:

Thanks for reviewing. Don't get me wrong, I've only been in this music making a couple years. I really don't know all that much, but I pretty much learn something with each song. Keep at it yourself, and you'll jsut improve over time. They say it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert at something. Just keep at it! :D


I have one sentance for you
for real! start putting your stuff on itunes! You are seriously the best dubstep producer on newgrounds.. Yes.. i did just say that you have talent.. and that talent is crazy good.. keep it up man.. ps.. i saw Dj Nate's comment... If you havent already.. please read the last sentance.. HE WANTS TO COLLAB. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD COLLAB WITH HIM.. THAT WOULD BLOW MY MIND!... so.. please? hahah(: anyways.. great song! Hope to hear more dub songs from you!

mr-jazzman responds:

Haha I know, man! I've tried contacting the dude, and he never responds! =`(

I'll teach you :P

Go to my account
Audio submissions
Then click remove on the song you dont want!
Anywayss.. This song is not bad man! your getting better! haha I really liked the slow down and speed up.. I just felt it wasn't full enough of a song.. you had a lead and drums.. now what you have to do is put pads and other melodies on top of that! then you'll have a full song! Woot woot! your getting better and better for every song you put out! Keep making music man!

1ufotofu1 responds:

thank you so much :D i am putting alot of time into these like seriously last night i made 2 songs with my friend alex and i think they sound alot better than this but i have to download more sounds and such but yeah i added more parts to the others so its soun)ds more like a full song as this only has like rhythms tracks :P the other ones (from last night) have like 8 tracks and 25+ rhythms thanks for the tuts and such :]


I've been listening to this song for hours and I agree with ImpluseKrios.. this should be top 10 XD the lead is so niceeee Its so crisp and it sounds perfect! Great song!

Japillow responds:

Thanks for the great review! I love that crispy sound :D

This has potential

First off i love how your songs stay on a one note bassline then change into a 4 note bassline.. That always gets me xD The lead that starts at :53 Sounds perfect! But just like the other guy said... It needs more bass.. I was thinking change the bass that starts at :14 to a more trance-y bass.. do you know what i mean? instead of like a "dong" sound.. That would make this song really really good! I think you should come back to this song and finish it up! It sounds really good man! Keep it up!

What's up guys? My names Jason, I'm 16 and I love making music :D check out my audio :P

Jason Horecky @JasonHorecky

Age 29, Male

Joined on 5/9/10

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