Are you kidding me?
Okay so i went on the audio portal and i was looking down the titles of the best of all time... and i see this one called Long Time, No see... Cool titles like that are always trance and i love it:D I HAD NO CLUE YOU MADE THE TOP 20! HOLY HELL MAN!.. im so jealous.. you've only been making music for what 2 to 3 months?.. dude.. so unfair :D haha Congrats man.. i hope to see more of your songs up there:) okay.. so.. i too tried this.. cause i love dubstep and trance, but...
First.. Im not good at making crazy good catchy melodies like this.. I will probably be humming this song all day :P hahah
Second.. That transition into dubstep went pretty fluidly without a major drop.. which takes talent:P hahahah one thing i can say is that it was a little repetative... not that much... but if you ever come back on this song.. Change a couple of those notes and add more of a wobble.. or more wubwubwub.. you know? :P hehe.. ps.. piano sounds greattt on top of the dubstep
Third.. Okay. So.. transition back from dubstep to trance againn.. absolutly perfect man.. Its so fluid man.. question.. i really liked the main lead.. what is it? and what other synths do you use? great job yet again man