
234 Audio Reviews

147 w/ Responses

Not bad :)

Im not actually a big "house" guy.. but i loved the way the intro started.. I loved how they started as short plucks then became longer.. how do you do that? :D I thought it was really repetative, even though im pretty sure house is all repetition, i think you shouldve added more meoldies and such to it. also.. i think a little breakdown with a piano part would be a pretty nice addition to this song :P over all.. it was a pretty sweet track.. sorry that im not a good house reviewer :/ i can review everything but house and like jazz XD hahah hopefully i can see you make even more songs!
ps. could you review my basshunter song? that would be awesome thanks so much!

5kyLight responds:

At the beginning where the synths got "bigger", all I really did was automate the filter cutoff for both the bass and the main synth. (It's a little hard to tell but they're actually layered on top of each other.)

Thanks for the review, I appreciate it! I will totally check out the Basshunter song and review it.


Man.. this is great.. I see an upcoming xKore? Maybe? :D the dubstep is really really nice.. what Vst is that? its perfect in this.. not much i can say.. Its just.. perfect.. The ending, the melody, the sound fx, everything was spot on.. You did an amazing job

Xoton responds:

thanks for the review, much appricated :)
i used a combinations between FL Studio Sytrus and Native Instruments Massive. but it took hours and i mean hours trying to like mod it perfectly to get the bass line and put on loads of effects.

Your first song?

Hahahah thats a joke.. cause this song is crazy good for your first song.. like.. really really good.. my first song was like a 5 second loop of random notes xD not much i can say here.. learn how to master better and to make your mix better.. once you get those things down. your music starts to sound way more professional.. look up tutorials on google or youtube on those things.. it will really get you far! I can see you becoming a really big musician.. keep it up man.. stay with the techno.. it sounds like you are best at it :) congrats

vanderweisman responds:

Never responded to this. I was gonna remaster it but this is how it will remain. The flp is stuck on an encrypted hard drive.

I can't get it off. :s

Great as always

Ahh.. this song is just soo calm.. I love it.. Even with the dubstep in it, its still a really chill song. and thats awesome :)

It loops perfectly.. i didnt even notice it, which is great :D
The dubstep was pretty awesome i have to say.. it wasn't flashy, but it was more "to the point" and i liked it.. Are you still using sawer for that? :P Cause if you are.. it does sound nice.. but i think you should look into a vst called NI Massive.. Its supposed to be one of the best vsts for dubstep :D haha you should try it out!

And just like sjs00, i couldn't get enough of the synths at :45.. they were so cool and fit the song just right. I also think you should extend that part out a little more.. but with some variation in the melody :P and i also agree that 1:10 and 1:22 were like the coolest parts in this song.. And at 1:10.. we both mean the synths and the melodies that start there.. not the transistion :P not saying the transition was bad or anything :P and i really liked the claps that started at 1:10 and how you transitioned out of them with them panning.. i liked that a lot..

Over all, its yet another great song by you. I tried to pick out things i didnt like to try to make this a "constructive critisism" review.. but i seriously couldn't find anything . Which is awesome! Great Job
101055. yeah. i decided not to do slashes :P

Or4nges responds:

Thanks man! This is one of my favorite chord progressions, no matter what you do with it, it almost always has a chill overall feel to it. Really simple, but meaningful at the same time.

I've heard of Massive. I'm actually planning on buying a NI pack for like $1000 and also Ableton live. Eventually anyway. Baby steps :P

Actually this whole song stemmed off of the melody at 1:10-1:22. I wish I got that melody in there more, i'll be sure to bring it out in the finished product lol.

Also, i'm not using sawer anymore :P This time the wobbles can from TranceDrive. Of course I distorted and EQ'd the heck out of it though lol. Ohmicide is an amazing distortion vst. And the 'wobbles' actually came from sidechaining on a filter instead of the volume. Got a cool effect because it brought out the kick and it also sounded fairly unique :P

Anyway, thanks man! I'm trying really hard to get more quality out of my stuff. Been working on filling out the track by using more panning and stereo seperation. I'd say it's paying off :P

Thanks again!


..Damn.. This is so raw.. For all stock? This is so crazy man.. you are pretty much a god in my books.. you are deffinatly the best dubstep producer i know.. The bass is so filthy.. everytime there is a wobble.. I pretty much get an eargasm.. the voice clipping (i think its called) Is so perfect.. it fits so well in this song.. and its just SO COOL... i've always wanted to learn how to do that.. i've also wanted to learn how to make good dubstep. You said you would give the flp away? well.. I would LOVE to have it.. i promise i wont mess with it and "make it my own song", I would just want to see how the best dubstep producer makes his music, so i can have an idea on how i should make mine.. you probably wont see this cause your probably too busy being a god or something like that :P hahah but thats alright.. thanks for the amazing song man.. keep at it

Hey there.

Melody - the perception of pleasant arrangements of musical notes.
So basically. Notes that sound good together that are placed one after another.

Its funny cause i always see your reviews around the portal, but when i checked your profile you didnt have any new songs.. and now you do! haha.. anyways.. Do you have the full version of Fl? cause i have a ton of sample packs and vsts i can send you if youd like.. when i was just starting i didnt even know what a vst was xD so i think your music would sound better with better stuff.. you know? :)

Anyways. on to the song.

I like the name.. it caught my attention and fits the song very well..
I think you should start using more effects.. like the Fast LP for the intro.. or a soundgoodizer and such.. You can pm me if you want more info on those things..cause im not sure how much you know already xD

I liked the melody.. It was calming.. kinda sad.. but thats okay xD i think that when your melody comes back at :28, that you should either put it up an octave or change up the notes a little bit.. cause you'll see later that no one likes repatition at all.. so it would be good to change things up..

Also.. for the drums.. you should instead of doing it kinda random... make it.. a kick on 4.. a clap on the second and forth kick.. and a hi hat inbetween every space.. do you understand? thats kinda like the generic drums if you know what i mean..

all in all.. its not that bad.. it blows my first couple songs right out of the water :P just keep making songs and messing with new things.. cause you ususally learn new things with every new song you make :)

Keep it up man

SirFurious responds:

O.o The essence of a useful review! XD

I'll PM you with questions and such, as there's no use expecting a conversation here.

Thanks for the advice, I'll try to figure it out and put it to use. :) Thanks for the review.



..Man.. how can i say this.

I am ridiculously jealous that you can make your wobble sound that filthy.. And this is just a WIP!? ahhh. What vst do you use? It kinda sounds like massive.. am i right? :D haha.. I really like this song.. I think there could be a little more wobbles in there.. maybe a little more of the "ya ya ya" sound to mix it up a bit.. you know what i mean? xD haha.. man that sound at :31, its like a long wub.. that gets me everytime. how in the world do you make those wobbles!? it sounds so nice! I have my first dubstep song im trying to make and i can barely even make a wobble xD

Anyways, I think that the little piano part at the end was a nice touch.. maybe you can put a little bit of that piano in the main part of that song? or at least at the end to kinda lead up to the end piano part..

All in all.. its a great Wip.. i can see this becoming an amazing song.. great work man

mr-jazzman responds:

Practice bro, just practice. ;) And no, it's not Massive (although I wish it was :P); if it were Massive, it would sound a million times better. PM me and I'll tell you. ;) Thank you for your input; too bad I'm not gonna post the rest of the song up here, because I can tell you the second section has variation. Unfortunately, since people have been stealing my music, I've been reluctant to allow much more than 30 seconds of my stuff to be available for download. Sorry man; that's just the way the world works. =( Still though, I appreciate your input! =) Thanks a bunch!


I can't believe i haven't reviewed this song yet... Its pretty much flawless.. from start to finish.. and for this being your second song.. i applaud you.. (well i applaud pretty much all your songs XD )

anyways.. Its a very happy song and very upbeat.. im loving the part that starts at 1:13 :D do you remember at all how you made that little thing? cause that part is awesome..

Piano and DnB is always a great combo.. and i love how you go from kinda chill dnb to faster with more gliches and stuff.. if you know what i mean xD i really think you should try to make a full on DnB song.. I bet it would turn out geat :D

For this being your second song.. and making it with this catchy, this good, with so many great sounds, amazing dnb, crisp piano... Damn.. you were pretty much bound to become the amazing artist you are today xD Congrats on that!
also.. would you mind reviewing my latest song? your constructive critisism always helps me out a lot.. thanks man cya later

Or4nges responds:

Hahaha! Thanks man! I wouldn't exactly call it flawless, but I was like "holy shit" when I first made it :P I couldn't believe I got this after like a week of FL Studio tinkering lol.

Anyway, it was a while ago, but I can tell you that all of the synths are 3xOsc, so just mess around with the volume/cutoff envelopes and you can probably get that sound I got at 1:13.

And yeah, i've been thinking about a full DnB song. I think it could do well :P

Thanks for the kind words! I'll get to your song soon.


For your first dubstep song ever? this is so sick! MAN! PLEASE TEACH ME HOW TO MAKE THOSE WAH WAH's AT like :53 and especially :56 ... damn, that was so crazy.. what Vst's do you use? the only thing i have to say... is.. you could work on your mastering first.. some parts aren't that smooth sounding.. but thats fine for now.. but you should look into that.. second is the transition at 1:25.. sounds like a COMPLETLY different song,.. to me.. that didnt sound good.. maybe you could've just made that a low gated pad with some piano in the back round.. but really.. other than those two things.. this song is pretty good! :D
Glad to see you are finally on the audio portal :)

Ekojo responds:

Haha yeah this is the first ever, thanks! I think in this one I used only Sylenth1 while in the other one I used massive and Sylenth1. You know for making music for 4 years now I agree with you completely, I still suck at mixing. And yes that completely different song is what I like to call "rushing a song with a poor excuse for a bridge" :P

I know I have to take more time with my songs but I get so impatient sometimes. Hopefully this writers block will help sort that out a bit for my next song. We'll see though. Thanks again Jason :)

What's up guys? My names Jason, I'm 16 and I love making music :D check out my audio :P

Jason Horecky @JasonHorecky

Age 29, Male

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