
234 Audio Reviews

147 w/ Responses


This is soo delicious.. I can't get enough of these skittles.. how in the world do you make such wonderful sounds.. man, im out of my mind jealous.. i just wish that some day i could make a song like yours.. thats my dream for sure.. man.. i would love like 1 tip or something like that to make my music better.. dang..
Hey Jesse.. so i have a question (well if you see this :/) , what synths do you use? do you use stuff like nexus and stuff like that? or do you just make all your synths using fl core vsts? im just wondering :) it would be cool if you could pm me that :P

anyways.. this song is gold.. loving the little wobbles in there.. sounds like you could make one hell of a dubstep song if you tried :P

Um.. one thing is that i think the snare roll is a little too long and that you should make it like fade in with volume instead of it just going full blast.. you know? to give us listeners time to get ready for that :P

anyways.. amazing song.. like always.. its beautiful.. great job man :D


I seriously can't stop listening to this song.. this is definatly your style..have you been listening to a lot of dimrain? cause this sure sounds like his music :) Please please make more songs like this.. the part at 1:01 - 1:06 makes me have an eargasm every single time.. ugh.. its just so good

I would love to see the flp on this one.. just to see how you make a song long this would be a huge learning experience! especially the part at 1:01-1:06 :)

I still think that it could be filled out even more with a nice long pad going through it.. and more stuff in the back round.. cause i cant just rely on your great leads once you start getting better.. you have to use those great leads and the make them better my making your backround sounds harmonize with them.. then.. you go from great to amazing.. you know what i mean? like when you hear this song there is
1. drums (cymbols and hat and stuff count as drums too :P )
2. a lead
3. bass
..and thats pretty much all.. there just needs to be more in this song to make it ever better than it is now! and that would only take you less then 30 mins to do since your this good at making music already :P

Anywayss.. Thank you so much for making this song. its.. simply put.. Delicious :P I cant stop listening to it.. even though the top 30 is a conspiracy.. this should still be on there :P

As soon as i heard :21

I havn't gotten it out of my head.. i seriously was humming it in my bed last night.. and i came back just to keep playing that part over and over.. i've never played a 20 second clip as much as i did that one.. mhm.. its so beautiful.. you BETTER finish that one next or im going to tell DJ Bjra to go beat you up or something like that :P haha but seriously.. everyone is in love with that part.. so.. can't you see that and make that song already? Come on man.. for newgrounds :D
Hopefully you will read this review :P

Beautiful.. simply beautiful

Man, you just keep making better songs every time :D
I love the synth that comes in at :53.. oh man.. this song is just perfect.. i can't find one thing wrong with it.. your an amazing artist.. and i know you'll get even better with every song you produce :)

I still dont think its done yet, please keep working on it and make a good ending :P preferably one that loops really well so us listeners and just leave it on repeat for a whole day :P

By the way.. what synths and vsts do you use? we could collab sometime ;D haha
Anyways.. This song is amazing.. nothing at all thats wrong

GrayZ responds:

Thanks man! :) I suppose I could get it to loop, i'm too lazy at though :P I use only z3ta+ can't get a hold of nexus and its really expensive :p

And yeah it would be an honor to collab with you :)

thanks for the review! :)

not bad :D

I hear the little guitar sound that sir furious uses in his songs :P I like it.. its a nice touch on this song..

It has a hip-hop type of drums to go with it.. but its like a chinese song from the guitars. its a nice little style.. i like it :D

some things you could've changed.. i think that the synth that comes in at 1:50 is way too loud.. everything was mixed correctly except for that one synth... and again at 2:49.. It would just sound better with a lower volume

But im digging the intro.. i love that little "bloop" echo sound that you use in the intro :D this is a really nice song.. but i think that you used the same type of melody over and over, just different sounds and stuff.. and i think you should've changed that up.. from :32 - the end of the song, it was pretty much the same melody.. that would've made this song a lot better :D

Over all.. Its not bad :D i like it :) but i think you should atleast put Sir furious' name in the discription so people can atleast check him out too :P
anyways good job you two!

GrayZ responds:

I love you, nohomo


I'm thinking you are going to be added to my list of fav artists.. This is crazy good.. Please finish this man.. it could be a top 30 song for sure! Its amazing.. It harmonizes so well.. where did you learn how to make techno so well? a class? from videos? or just from practice? just wondering :D i love this a lot..
This is really really good.. I love the filter at the beginning on the drums :D .. man.. its just a perfect song.. beautiful
fav artist

GrayZ responds:

Haha thanks alot man :) You are on mine ;D

I'll try finish it this week :) And I wouldn't go as far as top 30 haha, the top 30 board is a conspiracy!!!! :P

Yeah I work on harmony alot, sometimes I over do it haha. And I wouldn't say I make great techno its just a simple chord structure then working up and down the scales :P and the filtering on the drums is my trade mark haha you will see it in alot of my songs :) Thanks alot for the aesome review <3


Kinda reminds me of xKore :P haha It was nice talking to you today on live chat :P that was pretty cool watching xKore make his songs :D anyways.. on to your song

Intro: Man.. that was sick.. one of the best dubstep intros i've heard.. so crisp.. and the little synth that comes in.. sounds sooo nice.. And the drop.. Ughhh asgfhdagfdfds sorry, i had to wipe my jizz off my keyboard.. such an amzing drop
.. is that Massive? or another vst.. please tell me, i would love to know :D mhmm.. its really nice..

All in all.. its an amazing dubstep song.. im glad to have met you so now i can have another great artist added to my favs list :D

Such an amazing song, Congrats on making it

TheBiocide responds:

Ayyyy, thanks a ton, man! That really means a lot :) And yesss, once the beat drops that's mostly Massive you're hearing, thanks for asking :D

And definitely dude, live chat was the shit. Can't wait to see xKore do it again! We've definitely gotta keep in touch. PM me and maybe we can collab or something some time ;)

Name props? XD

Should i get some name props? Hahaha Just kidding :)
Dude.. this song is so sick.. Are you ever going to make it a full song? :D Man.. the wobbles are so sick.. mhmm.. this ones going to the top for sure.. thanks xKore for being such a god.. your music is amazing :D


Haha to tell you the truth.. the little "Duh Duh Duh!" synth sound in the middle of your wobbles reminds me of scary monsters and nice sprites :P really really.

Like i said before.. the wobbles are sick.. don't listen to anyone else (Unless they are worshiping those wobbles) cause they are so dirty.. Really does kinda remind me of xKore.. so i mean.. a little bit of Skrillex and xKore- ness is not bad at all :P (im being super sarcastic.. having both their names in one sentance just makes my head explode 5 times over)

The synth sounds amazing.. goes perfectly with the song.. but i think the little transistion in the middle that went from regular to fast to slow the back to slow then back to fast was a little too much.. I think you should just cut out part of it.. its actaully a really cool idea.. i just think its a little too long. maybe add some effects in there to make it sound better ?? Idk xD

But all in all.. Please make a good intro that has a huge lead up to this dubstep.. then this will be on top 30 leaderboard for sure :P

Congrats on making such a bad ass dubstep song.. i am officially 150% jealous of how good of an artist you are.. haha great job

Or4nges responds:

I think i'm gonna veto that transition, I don't really like it :P

We talked about this, so you know what I think :P

Thanks man! I love your reviews haha.


.. I know nothing about making house.. but i do listen to some deadmau5 from time to time.. and i do know what good house sounds like.. and really, This is one of the best i've ever heard.. and im really not just saying that.. I do like house, im just clue less on how to make it xD oh well.. the whole starting as a pluck then getting longer at the beginning was freakin awesome. How'd you do that? :D and im digging the stutters in that melody at :32.. those were a nice touch to the song.. I think that you should figure out a way to get that deep thump on the kick.. cause thats the only thing from making this song great to amazing. maybe layer the kicks? i dont know :P Um Or4nges? Could you please finish this? or atleast make it longer? I think that i and everyone that listens to this song would really appreciate that :D anyways.. awesome song. 10/10 5/5

Or4nges responds:

You're just saying that :P Thanks a million though. I guess it is pretty good for a first try at house lol.

Anyway, the effects in the pluck were done with alot of automations on Harmless. I automated the pluck length, decay, release, EG Amount, the filter and the distortion. Looks so messy on the playlist lol. Sounds sweet though, so i'm happy :D

And this is actually two kicks layered. Maybe if I find the perfect sub kick i'll add it in there. We'll see.

As for finishing; You really want me to? I suppose I could think of a nice transition right where it ends. And the lead'll need some work. It sounds wimpy the more I hear it lol.

Thanks man! You're too kind

What's up guys? My names Jason, I'm 16 and I love making music :D check out my audio :P

Jason Horecky @JasonHorecky

Age 29, Male

Joined on 5/9/10

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