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hahaha its hard to review a house song.. cause.. i dont really listen to it that much XD but i'll try my best..

The fade in at the beggining and fade out at the end make for a great loop :D haha the intro sounds.. good.. (hahah as far as i know xD) but.. really.. I kinda liked that synth at :28 .. i think you couldve kept it in a little longer.. and that you couldve done a little more.. maybe a little faster melody? or an arp with that sound? haha yet again.. its hard since i dont listen to house that much :P but i really do kinda like it.. for some reason the sound of like a low bass guitar keeps screaming in my head "PLEASE PUT ME IN THIS SONG!" lol, I would think that would be perfect.. you know the song sunlight by cornandbeans? the bass part in that song.. would fit pretty well in this song :D im not sure what synths you have and dont have.. but that would be pretty cool..

I think you should just take this song as an experiment into house.. start listening more and more to your favorite house songs and see what they do to make the song good and interesting! and try that out in this song! well.. i hope i helped :/ hahaha i wished i wouldve known more about house before i reviewed this :P sorry about that haha

Jenni-Harry4eva3 responds:

Nah it's alright. All forms of input are appreciated, inexperienced or not. Hmm... It is more of an experiment, because I dunno how to create House, and I have been listening to it for a few months now. I'll keep that going though. Thanks :)

I agree with erock

So Badass haha
This track is soo chill .. I love the little part that starts at 1:09.. it sounds like one of those drum line guys.. I can see on of them just walking slowly down an alley way playing this beat on their drums.. The synth.. was.. perfect.. it fit the song exactly.

I loved the little fade out that starts around 2:20 ish.. but that really made the song.. and when it comes back.. man.. this song is pretty much perfect..

Question.. to make those little "Drum line" Or typewriter things.. did you use bit crusher? If it is.. how do you get that? It sounds awesome :D

Your ambient is spot on.. there is absolutly nothing i can say wrong about this track.. not one thing.. 10/10 5/5 for sure :D

Or4nges responds:

Thanks for complimenting my badassery haha.
Drumline? That one didn't occur to me either lol. It's awesome how this song speaks a different message to everyone.
And about the synth; you wouldn't believe how much trial and error it took to get it right. Melody, tone, everything. I think I spent more time on that alone than my last entire song lmao.
I'll message you about the clicks. As for the bitcrushing, that was just an effect on a piano in the background. It's good for making things grainy and distorted. Really good for wubbly wubbles in dubstep. TAL-Bitcrusher is the one I used. Free vst.

Anyway, i'm glad you liked it so much :D I think this is my best work to date. My trance fans may not agree though haha.

Thanks man!

Sounds good!

To tell you the truth.. when i first heard the demo of this song.. I wasn't really feeling it.. and i wasn't really feeling the title of it either :P (You could use the old title for more of a dark/mellow type of song or something like that xD ) haha anywayss on the the review

So.. when i first started listening to it.. the first thing that i heard was a cymbol for every single kick drum at the begginning.. I just thought you over used it there.. but i really liked the bass in this song.. it was simple.. yet very catchy :P (I caught myself humming the bassline like twice today already xD)

The piano and those little high notes go really well with the low bass.. and i thought your transitions were perfect :D

But the part i liked the most.. was hands down the part that starts at :43.. It was really calm and that synth was a perfect choice right there.. and then the piano comes in right after it.. ahhh.. just beautiful man.. and also.. i liked the transition to get out of it :P then you go right back to that catchy bass AND no over-used cymbols :P i really loved how you did the drums at the end.. the ending was flawless, and it loops perfectly :D

but.. I can see why this might get 0 bombed in the dubstep category :/ Cause usually in a dubstep song.. The bass is like the main point in the song.. you know? but here.. its not really.. I'm not hating or being negative.. but i dont want a really good song like this to be zero bombed..

Well anyways.. It really is a great song.. Yet another great work from Or4nges

Or4nges responds:

Thanks man :D I tried to keep the cymbols volume down because I was using em alot. I think they add to the energy though, otherwise I would have done away with em.
And thanks, I like 0:43 too :P

As for the category, I was kinda torn on where to put it. It DOES have a dubstep beat. And it has distorted bass as well, there's just more going on than just the bass. Dubstep doesn't have to have a Reese bass to be dubstep.

I may end up moving it though. Dunno.

Thanks for the awesome review, Jason :D


I like the [CAT] thing :D you should put that on all your songs from now on.. I was looking down the list and i saw the "cat" and i was like.. i bet thats Catstuffer! hahaha anyways.. I listened to this song hard.. and for a long time.. trying to get a couple things wrong about it so i could give you some constructive critisism.. I really can't find one thing that i don't like.. Just wondering.. what is that synth that comes in at :55 called? it sounds sooo nice :D the drums, the piano, the synths.. man.. this song is pretty much perfect.. i love it haha :D sooo i'm glad to say that i upped your score by (+ 0.0000010) hahaha Great job with this song.. I couldnt stop tapping my foot and dancing around in my seat XD 10/10 5/5

Catstuffer responds:

The synth at 0:55 is called "Flanger Lead" and can be downloaded from a link in the description of this video http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=eUr5tNKdeNI (remove any spaces).

lol, yes, I have gone back and added [CAT] to some songs... once a song hits 3,000 listens you can't edit the name... but oh well...

+ 0.0000010 eh? nice!!

lol, I can't stop either... It's wearing out the seat cushion :\

Thanks for another helpful review Jason :D

Hey there!

Haha how've you been? :D This song.. Right when i clicked it i immediatly felt happy :) Its just one of those songs you know? :) i love it..

When i first heard the off beat clap.. i gotta say.. It was kinda weird at first.. BUT the more i listened to this song.. the better itsounds.. up until i think that that was a perfect thing to put into this song! :D Oh and how you said it was supermario sunshine ish.. I agree soo much with that.. This could be put right into that game.. i wouldnt be surprised if this gets into a lot of games.. as you can see you already got one :D your a lucky guy haha :P So.. it loops perfectly.. I could listen to this for hours upon hours.. Its really really happy.. i feel like im just sitting on a beach drinking a pina-colada with a huge palm tree right next to me swaying back and forth to the rythym of this song :D Great song man.. as always :D 10/10 5/5

Or4nges responds:

haha! Glad I could brighten your day :). I got the idea for the claps from Skrillex. I noticed he starts the clap on beat 4 like half a beat early, and I liked it lol.

Thanks as always! I love hearing from you haha.


Man.. How in the world did you make this xD hahaha I couldnt even try to copy it (I never would anyways XD ) hahah It sounds absolutly beautiful.. I just came across you and i have to say.. you make beautiful melodies.. Maybe you can give me some tips on that :D haha and sorry to hear about the 0 bombing issue :/ Your songs are actually pretty good too! I hate it when people do that :/ Every artist including me have all felt the zero bomb upon us.. I find it so pointless that there is a 0 button.. what ever.. haha Great job on this! :D

Darkfire96 responds:

Lol believe me you're better at melody making than I am. Im only good at making arps. I had to use my guitar as a basic template for what I needed. I dont have the ear I used to, so melody making isnt my forte. What I have to say though is stick to a certain chord progression, then when everything is mapped out throw some variations in there. If you make a mistake, and it sounds good then it wasnt a mistake. And yes 0 bombing sucks. Wish it never existed. I cant master anything, and it would help if we did a collab together( I DONT HAVE NEXUS!). Im making something involving melody making, and i need some help. PM me if you're interested.


When this song starts.. I swear this was Chaos Fantasy by Px9 XD hahahaha The melody in the beggining is actually..Really really good.. I wouldnt mind listening to a song just with that type of melody in it :D so.. anyways the drop happened then.... ajshfaksdhgfasjkl.. oh sorry for that.. i had to clean the jizz off my keyboard xD hahah DUDE! The dubstep is so sick! What vst is that? I would love to have that and make dubsstep like this :D Also if you could tell me how to make the bass go wub-wub.. that would be prettty amazing :D This song is so crazy.. One of the best dubstep songs ive heard..but, the drops werent the greatest, but i guess if you keep making dubstep songs.. (WHICH YOU SHOULD) you would probably get really good at that :P the bass was so sick, Thank you so much for this song.. it is a huge eargasm :)

Catstuffer responds:

Hey, Thanks a lot for your recent reviews. I appreciate that you ACTUALLY REVIEW the song! :D

I used refx Nexus with the Dance Orchestra expansion, Subsonic for the Bass, and The Fl studio built in VST "Sytrus" for the wobbles (wubs). I used automatons to control the speed of the oscillations. To learn how to create the wub effect, I would recommend youtube-ing "dubstep tutorial" you should be able to get a basic idea of multiple ways to go about it. But it will take a lot of work. This style of music honestly takes quite a bit more work than Trance or dance because of the oscillations.

Thanks again! Hope you can get your dub on! :D


Okay so.. i've liked all your songs for awhile.. and i randomly went on your page and clicked this song.. i thought it was amazing! but then i wanted to compare it to CnB's song.. SO First.. His is almost twice as long.. his has that cool little bass guitar riff in the middle..and other than that.. Yours is right up there with his! I actaully liked your main synth WAY better than his, your song was better than his up to 1:12 .. befor that part.. the song was really really smooth and i sounded geat.. but. eh.. i would leave that part outt.. but i like what you did with that melody at 1:25.. That sounds ALOT better.. :) haha and i also loved the way you ended it :) it gave me chills listening to the piano all by itself :D hahah great job man.. i really loved this song.. the mastering is so amazing.. would you care to give me a few tips on that? :D that would be awesome :) thank you so much man!

Catstuffer responds:

Thanks a lot for the very helpful review!

I still have a ways to go before I get the mastering down just right. This song for instance is a tad too tin sounding to me now.

I really apprciate your review! I will send you a PM with any advice I can offer (after giving your songs a listen!)


This is SO good for your first song! haha great job.. The piano was really good.. You should check out my latest song! :D

JonnyYang responds:

Thank you Jason!! I appreciate it. Wink Wink haha. And okay!

What's up guys? My names Jason, I'm 16 and I love making music :D check out my audio :P

Jason Horecky @JasonHorecky

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